
Extraordinary Expertise

Experts from diverse disciplines come together at the Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources to forge game changing solutions critically important to modern mineral resources management.

The collective expertise at the University Arizona produces new discoveries and technologies to support and advance all aspects of the mining industry – with new isotopes for geochronology… fundamental understanding of ore deposit formation… mineral liberation analysis…advanced separation technology… rock softening to save energy... autonomous vehicles… gaming software for safety training... gray water for mineral flotation… integrated operations centers… mine reclamation science.

These specialists are integrating previously separate segments of mining and improving management across the entire value chain – from mineral identification and extraction, to processing and distributing metals for a global market, through safe and efficient workforce development and responsible reclamation. This gives us the best-practice big picture.

Our IT backbones, business- intelligence solutions, data-mining expertise and safety research – coupled with new tools for geology, geomechanics, rock-face sensing, fragmentation analysis, processing technologies that save water and energy, and sustainability indicators – allow us to simulate operations and find ways to improve safe production and decrease costs. This is the new face of mining.

  Photo:Floating solar panels invented by Dr. Moe Momayez and commercialized through RePower LLC.